A Statement

6 min readDec 2, 2021

Hey fam, it’s your boi, Bag.

I started BUTTPOOP with no intention of it going anywhere. I dumped 90% of the money I had in my bank account into the liquidity of this project expecting to never see that money again. For me, the joke was worth it.

When I told most people about this project in my real life, they laughed and said “that’s a dumb idea” and to their credit, that was a reasonable response at the time. Our token is called BUTTPOOP, which translates to your “ass” and the “shit” that comes out of it. I was surprised when we reached 30 holders, I was surprised when we reached 100 holders, and I was surprised when we reached 1,000 holders. I was surprised that anyone held the same beliefs I did and was committed to “throwing money in the toilet” like I was. I have consistently been shocked at the progress we have made because again, I assumed this project would go absolutely nowhere. But none the less, I was and still am committed.

The reason I started BUTTPOOP and the reason I continue to work on BUTTPOOP every day is because… it’s fun. It has allowed me to express the serious views I have in a humorous way. The more progress we’ve made, the funnier this project has become. However, somewhere along the way of being criticized and feeling the need to provide more legitimacy to this project, I lost sight of that laughter and meaning.

We created a BSC version of BUTTPOOP that was to be released this week. From the start, we had no intention of creating a BSC version, but after being asked repeatedly by the community to do so, we went to work. However, after receiving a large amount of criticism directly after finishing the BSC token code, we’ve decided not to release it. At least, for the time being.

This led to me having (what I consider to be) a mental breakthrough (or breakdown) and a need to get back to the roots of what led to the creation and success of BUTTPOOP in the first place. Basically, I freaked the fuck out and had to take a mental inventory of how this project and the events over the past few months have changed the way I view this project and life itself.

I was given a power that I don’t view as justifiable or think that any human should have — Authority. The destruction of this power is an idea integral to BUTTPOOP. I believe no human should have authority over another and that all existing authority in our world today should be destroyed — aside from GLEEBORK of course, for he is a raptor much stronger than any human.

There is an inherent contradiction in our messaging and purposes, in that 1) we are a currency dedicated to the destruction of the idea of currency and 2) that we were holding onto 50% of all BUTTPOOP to place it in the exchange we were building, which in turn, made us the plutocrats of BUTTPOOP until it could be placed in the exchange. However, I’m not so certain about that anymore. I’m not so certain about anything anymore.

I don’t want power. I don’t want to be a company man. I don’t want to decide where this project is taken. I am a flawed human being like the rest of you. I recognize that stating this goes against what many people look for in crypto projects and I recognize that we do not follow the path taken by most other projects. Our utility is not in a new technology, game, or anything else that we could build or have built. Our utility is in the spreading of a message.

We are not selling a product. We are not selling a service. We are not selling anything. We are simply giving away a message that we hope people take with them from the crypto world and put into action in the real world.

Our goals seem satirical in nature, and they are, but they come from a serious place. The system isn’t working (or it was designed to fail us), the inequality between the 1% and the 99% is unjustifiable, and for too long human and working rights have been ignored by the plutocrats and the system that keeps the plutocracy in place. No human should go hungry, be unhoused, or struggle for basic necessities. There is no need for any of these struggles as we have ample resources and processes that we could put in place to take care of these problems.

I have always viewed cryptocurrency as nothing more than an opportunity for two different things. The first, to scam people, which I have no interest in. Whether you believe that or not, is up to you. The second, is the opportunity to prove how meaningless or unjust the economic systems we have in place really are. Value in currency (digital or physical) is decided by people. Sometimes by governments, sometimes by groups of people. There is some opportunity in crypto to give the poor more of an upper hand than they usually have, but generally, the rich will always come out on top.

Creating a cryptocurrency gives the creators a platform to speak and be listened to. In this specific environment driven by a capitalist mindset, where so much money flows in and out of, I saw an opportunity to start a conversation — to introduce my ideas and to try to shift the ideas of how people view money and society.

Contradictory? Yes.
A challenge? Probably.
Funny? Hell yea.

I made a cryptocurrency because I thought it was funny and if I was able to get even one person to read about, discuss, or consider my beliefs about money and society — that would be enough for me. I am more than satisfied with how this project has gone and I will continue working on it and being a part of the evolution of BUTTPOOP until someone buries me in a hole. However, while still alive, I don’t want the power I have. I don’t want the authority. To me, it’s unjustifiable and in order to justify my own existence and my beliefs, a change must be made.

That is why I’ve decided to FLUSH the entirety of the team wallet. All 50%. All 46 Billion BUTTPOOPs.

I will still moderate the chats, continue to make art/memes, but I relinquish absolute control. The community will decide and drive where this project is taken. I have high hopes for the future, but I cannot and do not want to be the sole entity who controls the success or failure of this project. I am only one human. BUTTPOOP will be stronger if it is truly community driven and controlled. Truly decentralized.

We will continue with the BUTTPOOP NFTs we’ve been working on with a commitment to keep furthering our community and (for full transparency) in hopes that doing so will give us the funding needed in order to keep working on BUTTPOOP daily and donate to the services that we believe the world is in desperate need of.

I hope it can be appreciated that I am throwing away more money than I’ve ever had in my own life. At the height of this project, I personally could’ve cashed out on $2.5 million dollars, but I didn’t. Some would call me a dumbass. Actually, many have. But I believe in something bigger and I believe the only way to get there — is by sticking to the original intent and purpose of this project.

“Men passionately desire to live after death, but they often pass away without noticing the fact that the memory of a really good person always lives. It is impressed upon the next generation, and is transmitted again to the children. Is that not an immortality worth striving for?”

― Peter Kropotkin, Memoirs of a Revolutionist

I love thy fam and what y’all have brought to my life. Thank you for being a part of BUTTPOOP.

With love and a continued commitment,

Bag Stove

